We are currently getting a lot of requests for energy storage systems around the country and need help with the installation work.
We are the main agents for CEGASA energy storage systems in the UK. These systems are made in Spain and so there is no supply problem as they are not made in China. The systems are basically a plug and play system of 13.4 kwh bricks which plug together, either 1,2,3 or 4 up to a maximum of 54kwh. This is more than enough to store and supply the power for any domestic or small industrial premises.
As you can imagine, a lot of people that have already installed solar panels and receive Feed in Tariffs and ‘Deemed’ payments are very keen to keep all of the power they produce; rather than give it away for free and then have to buy it back when they need it.
Alternatively, many people’s electricity bills have risen dramatically recently and they are keen to reduce their energy cost by storing low cost, night time power and using it through the day.
We arrange with the client to apply to the local DNO for permission to connect and once the client has ordered, we would arrange a suitable time with yourself to instal the system.
As an additional benefit to yourself; if you were one of our installers, we would be willing to supply you with our CEGASA batteries at a discounted price.
We would charge your clients a small fee (£100) to apply for the DNO permission to connect. This fee would then be deducted from the cost of a storage system if they ordered within 6 months. You could then supply these and suitable inverters to your own clients.
If you would be interested in doing the installation work for us please contact our Development Director, Dr Mark Stanton on 07976 380527 or email in confidence to his personal email; Stanton.mark@outlook.com
Alternatively you can fill out the contact form below and we will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.